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Venezuela's localization

Cada país maneja sus procesos contables de manera diferente, cada uno tiene sus leyes y reglamentos que marcan las exigencias fiscales, de aquí nace la necesidad de contar con un modulo enfocado 100 porciento a los lineamientos fiscales venezolanos.

Para ello, le ofrecemos el módulo de Venezuela - Contabilidad, Localización contable venezolana Odoo que ofrece un entorno robusto que adapta a  los requerimientos que demanda Venezuela desde un punto de vista fiscal y contable.


Open Source ERP and CRM, Odoo 

Withholding Process

The Odoo Venezuelan Accounting Location module allows the configuration, application and declaration of legal taxes, according to the guidelines established by SENIAT.

  • VAT withholding invoiced for purchases (withholding voucher and its respective report by date period in TXT and PDF for their respective declaration)
  • Income tax withholding on the invoiced amount for purchases (withholding voucher and its respective report by date period in XML and PDF for their respective declaration)
  • Registration of VAT and ISLR withholdings on sales.

Libros fiscales

  • Inventory book
  • Journal Book (summary)
  • Ledger (summary)
  • Sales book 
  • Purchase book

Books required by SENIAT


Tax on Large Financial Transactions

In the Extraordinary Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 6,687 of February 25, 2022, a reform is applied where a tax is implemented on operations in currencies or cryptocurrencies other than the bolívar and the petro, carried out by natural and legal persons.

General configuration

  • Registration and configuration of tax information for customers and suppliers.
  • Point of sale and bank commissions
  • Configuration types of people.
  • Register ISLR concepts.
  • IGTF.
  • Registration of seal and signature for withholding vouchers.